Motherhood & Words
I haven’t been feeling well the last couple of days, so this morning I called in sick, dropped Zoë off at preschool, drove back home to a very quiet house, and climbed in bed. Two hours later I awoke with a chill, but feeling much better. So I cleared the clutter from my desk, made myself some tea, and now I’m sitting in front of my computer. The sky is blue, and though it’s freezing here today, the sun is warm.
I have at least an hour before I need to take Aguita out into the frigid cold for I walk—an hour to sit here at my desk, reacquainting myself with my tiny, neglected office. I’m happy to report that it doesn’t seem to hold a grudge, doesn’t mind that I’ve been ignoring it. I hope you, dear blog readers, are as forgiving.
The last weeks have been absorbed with full-time work, with family—the girls are a stitch these days—and with exciting but consuming book-launch prep. Everyone I know who has launched a book has told me how much work it is—More than a full-time job! Exhausting! Exhilarating!
It’s not as if I didn’t believe them, or thought I’d be immune somehow; I just didn’t realize it would start so early. But I suppose one reason that I’m so busy is because I have such an amazing publisher. Really, I can’t say enough good things about the staff at Viva Editions. Thank you, Brenda, Nancy, Kat and Kara! Even in the midst of writing this post, I received a message clarifying a few necessary changes in the galleys. They are totally on top of it! (And already have me booked out in May and into June. I’ll keep you posted on that front.)
Clearly, my current schedule doesn’t allow for too much creative writing, but I’m still squeezing out a few pages on the novel here and there, and I am also regularly reminding myself that preparation for the launch of a book is writing work—it’s just a different stage in the process.
I hope that March and April will slow down just a bit, but the immediate weeks ahead are going to be crazy. I’m heading to Milwaukee Thursday afternoon for a TV interview Friday morning on The Morning Blend (tune in at 9 a.m. on 2/17 if you can access TMJ4). My 3rd Annual Motherhood & Words Retreat at Faith’s Lodge is the following weekend. It’s always an intense weekend for me because I’m “on” all weekend, but this year, because of everything else that has been going on, I know it’s also going to feel like a mini vacation. (I’ll find out if it’s possible to be both intense and relaxed.) The weekend after that, I’m heading to Chicago for AWP. I’ll be presenting with Hope Edelman, Jill McCorkle, Katy Read, and Kate St. Vincent Vogl on the panel “Barefoot, Pregnant, and at the Writer’s Desk: Managing Motherhood and the Writing Life.” I can’t wait to sit next to all those amazing women writers!
I’ll make sure to report on these events here and on Twitter, so stay tuned. And in the meantime I’ll drink my tea and try to go to bed early when I’m exhausted.
Thank you for sticking around!
hi Kate, That is so exciting!! You have so much going on – it is no wonder your body is taking a hit. Please do get plenty of rest (I also like Sambucol (elderberry) for preventative measures). Will look forward to your updates.
Kate, I couldn’t be more excited for you and for your forthcoming book! And I hope you do get to sneak a few pages of the novel in here and there — ’cause it’s going to be great!
Thank you, Rhena! And thank goodness for our writing group, or the novel wouldn’t be happening!
Sick days are for healing. Don’t neglect that part of the mix. Healing is an activity, too.
A good reminder, Don! I actually feel much better today!
Wow, that is a lot of crazy-busy, good stuff going on! Glad you got a little bit of down time. Your publisher sounds great and I’m very excited for your book.
Thank you, Sarah! I’m excited for it, too! (And of course I look forward to hearing what you think! You helped it into being!)
I knew you must be super busy. I hope the retreat does feel a little like a break — I can’t wait!
I can’t wait either, Mary! I’m so looking forward to spending some time with you again and reading your wonderful writing!
Kate, you are the embodiment of your brand! Balanced, present and aware in the whirlwind of dreams becoming reality. May peace, joy, love and self-care be with you as your launch life continues!
Oh Julie, thank you. I don’t always feel that way, but thank you all the same!
So excited to get my hands on that book! (and the next 2 books as well)
Thank you, Rachel!!
So exciting. Really wish I could attend that seminar – combining writing and childcare are my feuding elements right now. Oh, and let me know hoiw that being intense and relaxed at the same time goes! Good luck and enjoy..
I really wish you could be here, too! Someday?
This website is fantastic! I can’t wait to recommend it. I am so excited for you, Kate. Congratulations!!
Julie, thank you! I’ve been thinking about you a ton! Just sent a message yesterday! Let’s get together soon.
Book publicity! Yea, how exciting. Can’t wait to get my hands on it. Hope you feel better soon. Remember the advice of my first (and favorite) yoga teacher: Under-do. It’s not advice I’m good at following, but a sick body is often a reminder that you can’t burn the candle on all five ends.
I don’t remember the last time I tried to under-do anything. But I know I’m in need of that. I feel better for a few days, and then another cold hits me. Something has got to change!