I’m sorry I’ve been quiet this week. Zoë has been home sick the last two days with a fever, which means very little work time for me. And of course she’s sleeping next to me because I’m deadly afraid she’ll have another seizure. You probably wish you could hang out with me in person right…
Read MoreThank you for your sweet comments about my piece in Brevity. And a big thank you to those of you who “de-lurked” for Haiti last week. Because a number of “known” visitors also commented, I decided to donate $1 to for every person who posted a comment on any Mother Words post in the last…
Read MoreI haven’t been watching much of the news coverage of the devastation in Haiti—I just can’t do it. But this doesn’t mean that I’m not thinking about the people in Haiti. On the contrary, I can’t stop thinking about them. The image that comes to me again and again is that of a mother, walking…
Read MoreOver the last year, I have tried to be very deliberate about being thankful. We have continued are pre-dinner ritual of going around the table and listing things for which we’re thankful. D and I, especially in the last few weeks, have been thankful—very thankful—for his new job. But even when there wasn’t that prospect,…
Read MoreI want to thank everyone who came out on Thursday night to the 3rd Annual Mother Words reading. There were about a hundred people there, and it was so incredible to look out at and see all those familiar—and unfamiliar—faces. If you weren’t able to make this year, don’t worry. I will inundate you with…
Read MoreDon’t forget that this Thursday at 7 p.m. is the 3rd Annual Mother Words reading! Where: The Loft Literary Center, Open Book, 1011 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis I will be reading with Kate St. Vincent Vogl (Lost and Found: A Memoir of Mothers, North Star Press, 2009) and Vicki Forman (This Lovely Life: A Memoir…
Read MoreI wanted to let you know that I’m going to be a guest on the Good Enough Moms show on FM107.1 tomorrow, Sunday September 6th. I’ll be going on about 1:30 p.m. and talking about teaching and the upcoming Mother Words reading. Listen if you can. (It will be streaming online, as well.)
Read MoreIt’s Mother Words week at the Star Tribune’s Cribsheet this week! Go check out some of the writing from my wonderful online Mother Words students. I’m so proud of them!
Read MoreWhat is better than good news on a Monday morning? I have a number of friends, family, and fellow writers who have had some recent success, and I want to give them all a shout out. Here it goes: Kevin Fenton: My friend and fellow University of Minnesota MFA graduate just won the AWP Award…
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