
i'm back

By Kate / July 16, 2008 /

Sorry for my recent silence—we just returned from nine days upstate New York. We spent the first week at my aunt’s cabin in the Adirondacks, then drove down to the Catskills for my closest friend’s wedding. There is nothing like leaving the Twin Cities and the day-to-day grind of life to put things back in…

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By Kate / July 3, 2008 /

I’ve been feeling so stretched lately—juggling the two girls and work and life. D has been working long days, and sometimes I feel like screaming. (I did, in fact, scream in the car the other day when Zoë was wailing and Stella was whining. I just screamed, and I scared the sh*t out of Stella…

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By Kate / June 19, 2008 /

It was a big week for us. D and I went on our first date in six months, Zoë pooped for the first time in four days, and Stella has her first loose tooth! D and I haven’t been out together—just the two of us—since I was about six months pregnant. But Friday it was…

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who's the sucker?

By Kate / May 30, 2008 /

Last night, Stella cried out in the middle of the night. When I went in to check on her, she was kicking around and couldn’t get comfortable. This didn’t surprise me. How could she possibly be comfortable when her bed was filled with baby dolls and stuffed animals? There was hardly any room left for…

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what happens

By Kate / April 8, 2008 / Comments Off on what happens

when your lovely change of scene gets buried under 19 inches of snow? You stare out the window for hours cursing at the snow that will not stop falling. You become very crabby. Finally, you decide the only way to not go crazy is to actually go out into the blizzard. You try to pull…

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falling away

By Kate / February 4, 2008 /

Last week was a sad week. A friend (the sister of very close friends of ours) died after struggling with depression and bi-polar disease for almost 20 years. Her son is ten years old, and every time I think of him, I get teary. Every time I think of her family and their pain, I…

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nora bella

By Kate / November 30, 2007 /

Now D. and Stella and I all have colds. We’re sick and snotty and coughing—my lungs and throat feel raw—and Stella has a wicked fever. When I was awake coughing from 1:30 to 4 this morning, I seriously considered a big shot of NyQuil. (I have a will of steel, so I was able to…

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By Kate / November 22, 2007 /

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We’re doing double-duty, as we always do—first to D.’s sister’s house and then to my mom’s house. It’s a lot of food for one day, and each year I plan to eat only a little bit at D.’s sister’s. Why must I gorge myself when I know…

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on empathy

By Kate / October 11, 2007 /

I’m wondering what would happen if we could—and would—regularly imagine the lives of people, real people in our country and in our world, who live lives beyond our own experience. What would happen to our public policy, and foreign policy, if we didn’t seemingly lack the ability to imagine lives? It’s impossible, it seems, to…

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mourning Deilis

By Kate / September 22, 2007 /

I just found out that one of my god-daughters has died. She got very sick and was gone in three days, from meningitis, I think, though this may have gotten lost in translation. I have only seen Deilis and her twin, Dailis, a few times since they were born, almost ten years ago. I flew…

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