
I had him at chicken cacciatore

By Kate / May 2, 2013 /

It was June, 1998. D and I had just started dating, but it felt like it might turn into something serious. He was playing for the Minnesota Thunder professional soccer team at the time, and was traveling a lot, but between trips, I invited him over to my tiny studio apartment for dinner. At this…

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By Kate / March 13, 2013 /

Today I am celebrating the birthday of my twin nieces. One year ago today, they were born full term, to our great relief. Even from the outside, the pregnancy was a stressful one. My sister experienced bleeding so intense that she thought she was miscarrying on more than one occasion. And I knew too much…

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hunkering down

By Kate / December 17, 2012 /

Friday’s tragedy in Newtown continues to reverberate through our lives, our families, our communities. From my tiny office I stare out the window at the gray skies and the dirty snow, and feel the weight of that tremendous loss, of all of those young lives obliterated. I turn to my computer when I can stand…

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By Kate / November 26, 2012 /

I usually write a blog post on Thanksgiving as I take stock of my life and the things, big and small, for which I’m grateful. These things are almost always the same: the laughter and antics of my daughters; Donny and our marriage; our families; our health; our friends; a warm and cozy home; this…

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By Kate / November 5, 2012 /

On Wednesday afternoon, when Donny and the girls got home, I could tell something was wrong. Stella was holding back tears. “What’s wrong?” I asked leaning down. “Her friend’s mom died,” Zoë stated matter-of-factly. “What?” I asked, looking up. “She did,” Zoë said loudly, her eyes wide. Donny nodded, his lips pursed. Stella handed me…

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By Kate / September 21, 2012 /

I’m sitting in a small café in Winnetka, Illinois, with an hour to spare before my Motherhood & Words workshop at StoryStudio. It’s chilly outside, on this first day of fall, and I’m grateful for the hot coffee and steaming eggs in front of me. It’s been a quick, but full trip. Yesterday I was…

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By Kate / September 17, 2012 /

The summer heat that browned the edges of our Hostas and killed our grass has suddenly disappeared, and the air is fresh, crisp, for the first time in months. It smells like new beginnings outside, which seems fitting because today is my first day home as part of my new truncated workweek. This morning, Aguita…

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By Kate / August 31, 2012 /

We’ve been home from the West Coast tour for a week and a half now, and I’m just catching my breath. D ended up driving home, and the girls and I flew stand-by thanks to the help of my dear friend Bonnie and her husband. We had such an amazing trip, but we were ready,…

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By Kate / July 16, 2012 / Comments Off on juggling

Sorry I’ve been absent here lately. Over the 4th, I was up and down to my mom’s cabin on the days I had off. (The girls and D were up there the whole week.) Then I flew to the Adirondacks for my aunt’s memorial service. There is more I’d like to say about that, but it needs its…

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remembering spencer

By Kate / June 29, 2012 /

It was a year ago tomorrow that my grandpa, Spencer Nelson, died at 102 years old. It doesn’t seem possible that a year has already passed since we sat vigil by his bedside for those 6 days after he decided he was ready to die. It was an intense year filled with work changes, family…

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