I haven’t been here at Motherhood & Words as much as I’d like. I have a number of books that are on my plate to highlight and a line-up of authors to interview. (And of course I still have a lot of formatting to do here. Please forgive my Links page.) I’ll get to these…
Read MoreIn the last week, we have made trips to the ER, the doctor’s office, and the Minute Clinic. Zoë was hit with croup and had trouble breathing last week (hence the ER visit). She was up, feverish and coughing, for nights on end. Then this weekend, while D was out of town, Stella developed a…
Read MoreI haven’t had much time to sit down and really write these last weeks. Between my grandpa dying, a trip up north, a non-writing related freelance project, and limited childcare, I just haven’t had the time to spirit myself off to the coffee shop. And this bothers me. It makes me feel unmoored, as if…
Read MoreI’m sorry to be so long in posting, friends. I’ve had my face in my computer almost constantly. I’ve been up since 3 a.m. this morning. I am exhausted. But I just e-mail the manuscript–Use Your Words: A Writing Guide for Mother–to my editor. (It hasn’t sunk in yet. I just feel numb.) Andrea suggested…
Read MoreMy favorite plant is the Vanda Rothschildiana. It hangs in the window of our dining room, its long stem twisting around itself, as if it’s reaching for the sun. When it blooms, its huge buds open to reveal lavender petals the size of a child’s hand. I inherited this plant from Mimi, with whom D…
Read MoreMany of my favorite mother bloggers have been writing about the desire to get organized at the same time they’ve been lamenting the challenge that “getting organized” poses when you have a house full of small children. I get it. I spend so much of each day picking up toys that I’m often tempted to…
Read MoreI hope you all had a lovely holiday. We spent the week after Christmas up at my mom’s cabin in Northern Minnesota, and it was just the change of scene I needed. Stella and D cleared an ice rink on the lake, and Stella skated back and forth, undaunted by the number of times she…
Read MoreNovember is Prematurity Awareness Month and today, November 17, is the March of Dimes’ Fight for Preemies. Over 300 bloggers are writing their preemie stories today. You can read them here. In honor of the Fight for Preemies, I am posting another short excerpt from Ready for Air. This section comes just after I have…
Read MoreIt will be too challenging for me to try to sum up the conference—there were too many thoughts stuttering through my mind during those few days in Iowa. But I’ll list a few highlights: * Meeting so many interesting and talented writers, many of whom I’ve admired for a long time, among them Dinty Moore,…
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