Motherhood & Words
First, I want to thank all of you for your support and kind words (about this pregnancy and more generally about what I post here).
It’s funny. I never really wanted to be a blogger, but I thought it would be “good for me,” so almost a year ago, I started this blog. Because of it, I’ve discovered such a wonderful community of writers and readers and mothers, pondering the same issues, raising important and often difficult questions. I feel less alone in my endeavors as a parent and teacher and writer. So it indeed has been good for me, but I also really love it. Thank you for that.
And I have good news about the pregnancy: my blood pressure is still great and there is no protein in my urine. I had a non-stress test yesterday and Baby seems just fine. My doctor agreed that I should come in every week now, and this is also a huge relief. I feel I can worry a little less if I know they are keeping a close eye on me. So, I’m going to do as you suggest: worry then let it go, and begin practicing a little denial (or positive thinking): this will be a full-term baby)!
I am so glad.
yay for good news! 🙂
i’m glad blogging is good for you, cause i really do enjoy your thoughts!
I’m so glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well! And I’m glad you’re blogging, too.
take care,
Great news! You’re going to keep an eye on things and with a little luck, you won’t have any problems this time. I’ll be sending positive energy your way. 🙂
I am so happy for you! Take care, Kate.
A really interesting blog here—jogging memories of many things, including my own son’s preference for his father. Which does right itself after a while, I swear. It can just take time.
Good luck to you and here’s to your health,
Beth Kephart
Rock on! That’s awesome!
Thank you, all of you, for your thoughts and good wishes!!