Motherhood & Words
Our weekend was full of gardening and get-togethers and lots of youth soccer. (And Sunday morning fresh berries and a latte in bed along with home-made cards and crafts and lots of sweet hugs from my girls.) It was a perfect day, even with the cold and rain on the soccer field sidelines.
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! I’d love to hear how you spent it.
I have two Mother’s Day treats for you. The first is the Mom Enough podcast of this year’s Motherhood & Words Reading. It was so much fun. I read a new piece (just written), and Kathryn Trueblood and Kao Kalia Yang were fantastic! (I forgot to repeat the last couple of questions into the mic in the Q & A portion of the evening, but hopefully you’ll get the gist of the questions based on our answers.) A huge thank you to The Loft Literary Center for the lovely space and to Mom Enough for making the podcast possible. Take a listen!
And the second treat is a giveaway. I’m giving away two copies of Silent Running: Our Family’s Journey to the Finish Line with Autism, which I co-wrote with Robyn Schneider. It’s the memoir of Robyn’s family’s journey with autism and running, taking readers from Robyn’s twin sons’ diagnosis of autism as toddlers to their first marathon finish at age 20. You can read a lovely review of it by Caryn Mohr here. I’m very proud of this book, and I hope you’ll like it too!
(Note: This is my first time using rafflecopter. It will eliminate the need for me to write names on tiny pieces of paper and pull them from a hat. Seriously, that’s how I’ve done this in the past. Welcome to the 21st century, Kate!)
Note: Rafflecopter isn’t racking up the entries, so maybe this means I should keep things old-school here. Consider yourself entered if you leave a comment below. Thank you!!
I’d love to hear how your Mother’s Day went!
The winners are: Autumn (from the rafflecopter option) and Myrna (from the comment option). I’ll get books in the mail this week! Thanks to everyone who entered!
Looking forward to reading this (whether I win or not!) 🙂
Thank you, Meagan!!
Well I signed up to win a copy of Silent Running through Rafflecopter (and followed all but one of the prompts to follow on Twitter and Facebook). Hopefully my rafflecopter registration worked. If not, here’s my comment to enter me into the running for a free copy of the book. I’m looking forward to reading it!
Thanks, Myrna!! You’re in!
Would love to win a copy of this book. Another one for you! Way to go.
You’re in, Sue! Thank you!
Excited for you that the book is out!
I can’t wait to hear what you’re working on now. Looking forward to listening to the Motherhood and Words podcast
Thank you, Sara! I look forward to hearing what you think about it! It was a great night. I so wish you could be there in person!
Cant wait to read this one!
Thank you, Sally!
I am really looking forward to reading this! I will read it, eve if I don’t win. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. 🙂
Me too, Susan!