Motherhood & Words
Sorry I’ve been absent here lately. Over the 4th, I was up and down to my mom’s cabin on the days I had off. (The girls and D were up there the whole week.) Then I flew to the Adirondacks for my aunt’s memorial service. There is more I’d like to say about that, but it needs its own post (and I need a little quiet time to formulate my thoughts).
I arrived home Monday night and had to gear up for a busy week. On Monday I was interviewed on 247 Moms webcast. Tuesday, I was on Twin Cities Live, which was super fun. (You can watch it here.) Then I read at the fabulous Common Good Books on Thursday. (Thank you to everyone who came out!)
Here’s a photo from Common Good, which made me very happy:
How could I NOT smile in that company?
There is a lot of great stuff going on, but it’s so much that I don’t ever feel caught up. I’m in a constant state of juggling and putting things off, which is exhausting.
But there is an end in sight: in less that two weeks, D, the girls and I are heading west for a book tour/vacation. It will be a busy trip, but I won’t also be working full-time, so hopefully there will be plenty of moments to blog and write and relax amidst the travel.
I’ll post more information about my upcoming travels and events very soon. Until then, stay cool!