Motherhood & Words
I was tagged by Ellen at A Girl’s Garden of Menopause, which I love, to list six unspectacular things about me. This won’t be difficult.
Here they are:
- I am almost always tired.
- I am newly addicted to granola bars (any size or flavor).
- I want to be a gardener, but I hate to weed.
- I finally have wireless internet at home and no longer have to pirate my neighbor’s wireless. (They cut me off, so I had no choice.) Note: I don’t think they cut me off on purpose. Regardless, it had been a year, so it was time.
- I love Neil Diamond, especially the really old stuff.
- It’s difficult for me to listen to music and think at the same time.
Meme Terms & Conditions
1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. List 6 unspectacular things about you
4. Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them
I tag:
Posted in community
Would it have killed your neighbors to keep their wireless open? I mean, it doesn’t make a bit of difference to their online experience. If someone can hear my radio, I don’t enjoy the music any less.
People. Hmph.
Yeah! That does seem awfully grinchy. Of course it’s hard to believe so many people still have wireless networks that are unencrypted — not to keep you from getting on but to keep you from getting in — but they do and I’ve hopped on a few by happy accident myself 🙂
Ooooo, I should clarify about my neighbors–they are actually super generous, sweet people, and they kept me unblocked for, um, a year. It was time, and I’m not even sure they intentionally booted me. Even if they did, I needed a little kick to get me to take the time to set up wireless in my own house. I should clarify this in the actual post so I don’t make them sound grinchy.
Kate, we are similar regarding Neil Diamond, being tire ALL the time (and I am not breastfeeding anymore so I am looking for another excuse), and adoring granola bars….but I don’t regard these things are unspectacular….but actually kind of nice….
i love neil diamond too 🙂
I’m always tired too. Alwa…zzzzz… zzzz…
Damn. I’ll get to it….
I wish my unspectacular things about myself were as spectacular as your unspectacular things about yourself.