Posts Tagged ‘appearances’
monday morning & two interviews
The weekend was lovely and bursting with family. Stella rocked the 5K (she finished 15th in the female 14-and-under category), and though it was freezing (poor Zoe was weeping), we all had fun. (Or at least we all had fun after coffees and hot chocolates were consumed and we were out of the cold.) The…
Read Morereadings & workshops
I’ve gotten caught up in a flurry of activity over the last week and a half. I signed with an agent for the autism and running memoir on which I’ve been collaborating the last few months. I’m very excited, but my week was swept up in talking about and tweaking the proposal, and I had…
Read Morea blog tour clog, BART & gratitude
I apologize that I didn’t get my regularly scheduled cross posts up for my blog tour yesterday. I have been out in California since Wednesday, and this has been fabulous, of course, but it’s cut into my computer time. Add then BART went on strike and, well, there you have it. Luckily BART wasn’t on…
Read Moreflying
There is nothing like reading for 125 people you love. Nothing. Twenty minutes before each reading I’ve done over the years, I think, okay, this is it, no one is going to come. (And I actually have done a reading in a bookstore where no one came until the bookseller strong-armed a few shoppers. It ended…
Read Moretoday is the day
Well, it’s here, launch day. I have spent the morning curled in the blue chair in our living room, reading through the passages I’ve picked to read tonight the Loft. I laughed a little and cried a little. Hopefully I’ll hold it together tonight. We’ll see. Please come down and celebrate with me if you…
Read Moreupcoming online class – and a podcast!
Now that the kids are in school and my schedule has opened up a bit, I’m turning my attention to writing and teaching. Registration is now open for my fall online Motherhood & Words class. Here are the details: Motherhood & Words Online Thursday, September 26 – Monday, December 9 (10 1/2 weeks) Whether you…
Read Moremotherhood, motherhood, haiku
Happy late Mother’s Day, my friends. I meant to write a post on Sunday. I *thought* about posting. I even *planned* my post. But then I fell asleep on the couch. It was a much needed nap after an exciting (but very busy) previous week, which was full of readings in celebration of mothers’ stories.…
Read MoreI had him at chicken cacciatore
It was June, 1998. D and I had just started dating, but it felt like it might turn into something serious. He was playing for the Minnesota Thunder professional soccer team at the time, and was traveling a lot, but between trips, I invited him over to my tiny studio apartment for dinner. At this…
Read Morespring flurry
I’ve been MIA here for the last couple of weeks, and I’m sorry about that. Stella, Zoë, and I were all sick—laid out!—a couple of weeks ago, and then I was traveling. Then last week I was trying to catch up from the sickness and travel. Two weekends ago I was in Denver to lead…
Read Moremom enough
For the past couple of years, I’ve been honored to have my annual Motherhood & Words reading be recorded as a Mom Enough podcast. If you missed the 6th Annual Motherhood & Words Reading at the Loft Literary Center in October, you can listen here. Reading with me were award-winning authors Debra Gwartney and Amie…
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