Posts Tagged ‘blogging’
over at motherlode
Hey, we’re reporting from AWP (and by “we” I mean me and the Medela Pump n’ Style–more about that later). I’ll give you an update on the panel later, as well. It was so fun! But I wanted to let you know that I’m also over at as a guest blogger on motherlode today.…
Read Moregearing up
AWP is only five days away, and I’ve been thinking of little else. It’s not just the writing conference that’s on my mind, of course. I’ve been thinking about getting on a plane alone, without anyone I need to hold or rock or calm. I’ve been thinking about sleeping through the night and having three…
Read Moreeat, drink, and blog
On Monday night, I had the opportunity to be part of a panel of local folks talking about blogging. The meeting was hosted by the Twin Cities writing/networking group Eat, Drink and Get Published and moderated by Jason DeRusha, who writes Jason’s DeBlog on The panelists included Stephen Regenold of The Gear Junkie, Kay…
Read Morefirst paragraphs
A number of times a day I have a thought followed by, oh, this will make a good blog post. I walk through the day writing paragraphs in my head. Some of these paragraphs are very good. Some are not. Regardless, by the time I get the kids to bed (especially when D is gone,…
Read Moreblog love
Sista GP at a southern thang awarded me the Uber Amazing Blog Award last week. Thank you, Sista! I’m honored! Now I must nominate five (or six) other blogs for the award. This is difficult for me because I love so many blogs, but here it goes: speak softly—what can I say? Whether Vicki is…
Read Moremea culpa
I haven’t been much of a blogger recently (as you very well know), and I’m not only sorry, I’m embarrassed. I’ve never let myself go this long without at least one skimpy post. And it’s not that I haven’t thought about blogging; I’ve thought about it every day for the past two weeks. I thought…
Read Moredialogue
I want to thank all of you who commented on my last post. I was really scared to write about such a divisive issue on this blog because, quite frankly, I like to be liked. I don’t like to rock the boat. In this case, I’m glad I rocked it. I think some good discussion…
Read Moredaily dose
D and I need to get wireless at home. We have DSL on our home computer, but that computer is so old it crashes regularly, and it’s in our basement, which is cold and full of radon. There’s no point in eating organic food if I’m going to sit down there are breathe radon, so…
Read Moremy anniversary
It’s true—I’ve been a blogger now for one whole year! In a recent post I mentioned that I never really planned on being a blogger—blogging seemed like one more thing I’d have to add to my forever-expanding to-do list. But then I got lonely—writing can be so lonely and isolating—and I yearned for a sense…
Read Moregood news
First, I want to thank all of you for your support and kind words (about this pregnancy and more generally about what I post here). It’s funny. I never really wanted to be a blogger, but I thought it would be “good for me,” so almost a year ago, I started this blog. Because of…
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