NICU giveaway

My friend and former student, Emily Hedges, who is also the dynamo behind my blog book tour, said one of the most wonderful things about Ready for Air. She said, “Your book is a book that people want to share. When someone has a premature baby, you feel so helpless…like with my step-daughter. It made me feel so…

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publication day and skype contest

Well, today is the official release date for Ready for Air. It seems unreal, but there you have it. Of course I’ve written about my struggles to get this book out into the world. And yet, here I am, with my first review under my belt. And I want you to know that I couldn’t…

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in appreciation of our teachers: an interview with beth kephart

I have been reading Beth Kephart’s work since before I could call myself a writer and really believe it. And when I say I was reading Beth’s work, I mean I was studying it. Because each of her books and essays seems effortless, as if she reached up and pulled the words from the sky.…

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motherhood, motherhood, haiku

Happy late Mother’s Day, my friends. I meant to write a post on Sunday. I *thought* about posting. I even *planned* my post. But then I fell asleep on the couch. It was a much needed nap after an exciting (but very busy) previous week, which was full of readings in celebration of mothers’ stories.…

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I had him at chicken cacciatore

It was June, 1998. D and I had just started dating, but it felt like it might turn into something serious. He was playing for the Minnesota Thunder professional soccer team at the time, and was traveling a lot, but between trips, I invited him over to my tiny studio apartment for dinner. At this…

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Great news! I’m thrilled to announce that Use Your Words is Pregnancy & Newborn magazine’s book club pick for April. Whoop! You can read my interview with them here. Also, Pregnancy & Newborn just launched its first Motherhood Essay contest. This is where you come in, my friends. The winner will receive $300, and two runners up…

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and the winners are…

Thanks to all of you who posted a comment in response to my post about Patricia Zaballos’ wonderful new book, Workshops Work!  The winners of the three ebooks are Michelle of the Parent Vortex, Maria, and Tee! Patricia will be in touch with you soon via email. Happy reading, friends, and as soon as I…

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haiku winner

I have been meaning to announce the winner of the 5th annual Motherhood & Words Haiku contest for a week now. Life has been, um, hectic. The days following my return from NY (which was fabulous, by the way) were filled with many loads of laundry because our washing machine broke a couple of weeks ago, and we finally had the new one delivered on…

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and the winner is…

Thank you to all the mother writers who submitted essays as part of the Use Your Words virtual book tour. And congratulations to the finalists!! I’m so grateful for your words. One essay celebrated the birth of a third child, a son. One described the bittersweet and terrifying preparation of leaving the NICU with oxygen tanks…

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mom’s own words: day 15

I can’t believe that it’s already Day 15 of the Use Your Words virtual tour. The writing contest finalists are starting to pop into my inbox, and I am so impressed and excited about these pieces. The grand prize winner will be posted on the Literary Mama blog on June 8, so stay tuned. Please…

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