Hello, 2016!

We rang in the New Year up at my mom’s cabin in northern Minnesota as we so often do. It was cozy—just D, the girls, my mom and step-dad and me. We cooked and ate and read and did puzzles (in an obsessive way that was somehow still relaxing). The girls and D skated in…

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I would be lying if I said that the last few months (or year) has been an easy one for me. It hasn’t. I’m still in that place of not-knowing, of guessing and experimenting with food, supplements, exercise—anything. Still, I’m trying to be grateful for good days. I have a new acupuncturist, and she’s fabulous. That…

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showing up

I’ve started a number of blog posts over the last couple of weeks. Each time, before I could finish the post, things with my health would change and I’d abandon it half-written. A week ago I was feeling better—not perfect, but better. I could lift a basket of laundry, put the full Brita back into the…

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Thanks so much for all your thoughts and good vibes last week. Surgery went well (though geez, I would have happily stayed the night in the hospital. There’s nothing like being rushed home completely drugged up, nauseated and in pain.) The first night and day weren’t fun, and heck, the second wasn’t fun either. But…

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dear gallbladder, goodbye.

I know that I am supposed to want to keep all of my organs, and believe me, I do. I’ve tried, I really have. I changed my diet (and then changed it back), I’ve done weekly (often twice a week) acupuncture, I’ve ingested many herbs and enzymes, minerals and fermented foods. I’ve meditated. I’ve cried.…

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summer and taking stock

I’ve been quiet here these last weeks. Part of the reason is that I’ve been busy. In early June we road-tripped to Winnipeg for a couple of days to see the first U.S. Women’s World Cup game, which was incredible and inspiring. The rest of the month was swallowed up with editing and teaching prep,…

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when a break is a break

I said I was going to take a two-week break and unplug, and somehow it is four weeks later and I am only now getting around to posting here. Yikes. The good news is that the break was a real break. I packed up the girls and we flew down to Costa Rica, where we spent a week…

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holding steady

* Disclaimer: This post is full of health-related over-sharing. Proceed at your own risk. Though I took a small break for Zoë’s birthday festivities, it feels as though once again most of my time is dedicated to navigating my health issues. Last week I had a double colonoscopy/upper endoscopy, which was, um, lots of fun.…

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I will spare you a medical update this week to instead write about my sweet Zoë, who is seven years old today. Last night she snuggled into my lap on the couch and said, “Can you believe I’ve been alive for seven years?” “Only seven years!” I said. “I can’t imagine a time you weren’t…

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Well, I’m holding steady. The good news is that I met with a wonderful gastroenterologist on Friday and he did not recommend surgery. He said that in cases like mine, gallbladder removal only improves symptoms in *one third* of patients. One third has the same symptoms after surgery and one third gets worse. Hell no.…

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