Posts Tagged ‘memoir’
readings & workshops
I’ve gotten caught up in a flurry of activity over the last week and a half. I signed with an agent for the autism and running memoir on which I’ve been collaborating the last few months. I’m very excited, but my week was swept up in talking about and tweaking the proposal, and I had…
Read Morelast day: within the words
Today is the last stop of my blog book tour, friends, and first I just want to thank all of you for tuning in and for checking out all the great blogs on the tour. And a huge thank you to all the wonderful bloggers for taking the time to read and write about Ready…
Read Morebeth kephart: more love
Last week, I interviewed Beth Kephart and wrote about how much her writing has meant to me over the years. That’s one of the things I do here, of course–I write about and interview authors I admire. I describe how their work has affected me and changed the way I see and write the world.…
Read Morein appreciation of our teachers: an interview with beth kephart
I have been reading Beth Kephart’s work since before I could call myself a writer and really believe it. And when I say I was reading Beth’s work, I mean I was studying it. Because each of her books and essays seems effortless, as if she reached up and pulled the words from the sky.…
Read Moreand that's why
This morning the doorbell rang at ten o’clock. A FedEx driver handed me a thin package. When I turned it over I saw that it was from University of Minnesota Press, my publisher. I tore it open and there it was—my book. The cover is so smooth, matte finish, just as I’d hoped. It’s paperback,…
Read Morechanges
For the last four weeks I have been in a state of constant rushing—rushing to work, rushing home, trying to squeeze editing and other work—publication prep, website updates, etc.—into those rare moments when I can sit down for a half hour at my computer. But there has been too much to do, and I’ve been…
Read Moremagical journey
I was first introduced to Katrina Kenison through her anthology, Motherhood: Twenty Stories of Contemporary Motherhood, which I discovered when I was prepping for my very first Motherhood & Words class, seven years ago. I have been a fan of Katrina’s work ever since. Perhaps you’re familiar with her wonderful books Mitten Strings for God:…
Read Moreblogging, writing & adriana páramo
I’m celebrating my 6-year blogiversary this month. In January of 2007, I started this blog because I wanted to expand the discussion around motherhood literature and promote some of the mother writers I admire. Six years later, I’m still here, interviewing writers, talking about the balance between motherhood & writing. Along the way, I’ve been…
Read More6th annual motherhood & words reading
Please join me tomorrow night for the 6th Annual Motherhood & Words reading. When: October 10 – 7 pm – 9 pm Where: The Loft Literary Center, Open Book, 1011 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55415 I will be reading with award-winning authors Debra Gwartney and Amie Klempnauer Miller. As always, there will be a…
Read Morewhen the waiting pays off
Eight and a half years ago, I went to the coffee shop near my house, ordered a decaf coffee, and sat down with paper and pen. I hadn’t written in months and wasn’t even sure I had the mental capacity to still string together words into sentences. It was cold outside, February in Minnesota, streetlights…
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