
I feel lost these days, bumbling around, going through the motions of life. I go into the office and I get my work done, but I’m not really there.  I have a pulsing headache that begins somewhere in my shoulder and snakes its way up into my jaw, which I must be clenching at night.…

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a few things I’m grateful for

One of the things I’d like to do here are Motherhood & Words is to write a weekly or bi-weekly post about things for which I’m grateful. Stress tends to get the better of me, and I forget to appreciate everything that I have and love. I’d like to invite you to post what you’re…

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happy mother’s day!

Stella came into our room this morning and said, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mama.”  “Thanks, sweetie,” I said and looked at the clock. It was 5:30 a.m.  “I’ll just snuggle with you for a while,” she said, and she climbed into bed next to me. I fell back to sleep, but a few minutes later, she…

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what’s in a moment?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the moments that I don’t want to forget—moments with my children and other family members, especially my grandpa, who defies the odds at 102, but who won’t be able to forever. (He would give a disgusted grunt at my lack of faith, I know.) Working from home is tricky—I…

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It’s hard to believe that on Saturday my little Zoë turned three. For weeks, whenever someone asked her how old she was, she smiled that huge Zoë smile and held up three fingers. And now it’s official—my baby is not a baby anymore. On Friday we took cupcakes to her preschool and her friends gathered in…

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The weekend was a blur. I spent Saturday at the first Minnesota Blogger Conference, which was a tremendous success thanks to the countless hours that went into planning and executing the event. (A huge thanks to Missy Berggren of The Marketing Mama and Arik Hansen of Communications Conversations for all their work.) And yesterday, we…

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the gerbil diaries, part I

Perhaps for some of you the word “gerbil” brings to mind a somewhat hazy (and disturbing) rumor involving Richard Gere, an emergency room, and an unfortunate rodent. Even I experienced a vague sense of discomfort when, last week, the word started being bandied about our house casually and with some frequency. But you must banish…

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back to school

Both girls are back in school this week. Stella woke up at 6 a.m. yesterday, ready to dash out the door and wait for the bus. “I’ve tried to go back to sleep,” she whispered, “but I can’t.” “That’s okay,” I said. “You can get ready.” I’ve never seen her brush her hair and teeth…

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a few things

I feel as though I’ve spent so much of the summer juggling and fretting that I’ve forgotten to enjoy these last months. I have been snappier with my girls, who are both in high-parental-involvement stages—Zoë is potty training and fully embracing all of the defiance inherent in being a two-year-old; and Stella is suspended somewhere…

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