Posts Tagged ‘reading’
my yaddo
Last weekend I went to see one of my oldest friends, Claire, who recently had her first baby. I developed a bad head cold just before I left on my trip, and though it was a drag to be snuffling and coughing, and I wasn’t as helpful with the baby as I wanted to be,…
Read Moremother words reading — a recap
I want to thank everyone who came out on Thursday night to the 3rd Annual Mother Words reading. There were about a hundred people there, and it was so incredible to look out at and see all those familiar—and unfamiliar—faces. If you weren’t able to make this year, don’t worry. I will inundate you with…
Read MoreThursday, September 24 – 7 pm
Don’t forget that this Thursday at 7 p.m. is the 3rd Annual Mother Words reading! Where: The Loft Literary Center, Open Book, 1011 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis I will be reading with Kate St. Vincent Vogl (Lost and Found: A Memoir of Mothers, North Star Press, 2009) and Vicki Forman (This Lovely Life: A Memoir…
Read Moreon the radio
I wanted to let you know that I’m going to be a guest on the Good Enough Moms show on FM107.1 tomorrow, Sunday September 6th. I’ll be going on about 1:30 p.m. and talking about teaching and the upcoming Mother Words reading. Listen if you can. (It will be streaming online, as well.)
Read Morethe debate goes on
The other day, a friend e-mailed me the link to Patricia Cohen’s New York Times article “A Mother’s Memoir, a Son’s Anguish,” which discusses how British author Julie’s Myerson was “pilloried” after the release in Britain of The Lost Child: A Mother’s Story, a memoir about her son’s drug addiction. Apparently the press in Britain…
Read Morethis lovely life
Oh, what to say? How to begin? Vicki Forman’s memoir, This Lovely Life, is so close to my heart. When I initially started reading Vicki’s blog, Speak Softly, I didn’t realize that Evan had been born prematurely. I was caught up in Vicki’s lovely writing and in her voice as an advocate for children with…
Read Moreshari macdonald strong
My profile of the amazing Shari MacDonald Strong is now up at Literary Mama! You can also read a wonderful review of Shari’s The Maternal is Political: Women Writers at the Intersection of Motherhood and Social Change written by Marian Berges at Literary Mama! Happy reading!
Read Moreshouts out
What is better than good news on a Monday morning? I have a number of friends, family, and fellow writers who have had some recent success, and I want to give them all a shout out. Here it goes: Kevin Fenton: My friend and fellow University of Minnesota MFA graduate just won the AWP Award…
Read Morea nod to father writers
In preparation for my Writing Parenthood class last Saturday, I thought I should shift my gaze (at least for a few minutes) from motherhood literature to fatherhood literature. I designed Writing Parenthood, after all, because I had received a few (subdued) pleas that I include men in my Mother Words classes. But you see, I…
Read Morechange of scene
I spent the weekend at my mom’s cabin up north (which is what we natives say when we’re talking about Northern Minnesota.) The weather was perfect: sunny and warm during the day, cool in the evening. Stella played and argued and played with her cousin, and Zoë played in the sand and ate the moldy…
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