mama sweat

Donny and I arrived home from San Francisco this morning in time to pick up the girls at my mom’s house, feed them breakfast, give them their gifts (think glass figures and shell-dotted bracelets), and get them on the bus. Donny then had to go straight to work and I started laundry. But then I…

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a blog tour clog, BART & gratitude

I apologize that I didn’t get my regularly scheduled cross posts up for my blog tour yesterday. I have been out in California since Wednesday, and this has been fabulous, of course, but it’s cut into my computer time. Add then BART went on strike and, well, there you have it. Luckily BART wasn’t on…

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a design so vast

I stumbled upon Lindsey Mead’s blog, A Design So Vast, a couple of years ago. I don’t remember how I ended up there, and I guess it doesn’t matter. (I love that about blogs–the way one fabulous blog leads to another and another.) I immediately found myself nodding my head at what I read on…

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tracy morrison

There is a ridiculous amount of love swirling around these days. It feels like Ready for Air is not launching so much as floating out into the world buoyed by the words of dozens of amazing friends and writers who are raising it up. What a gift, people. I’m so grateful. And the love continues.…

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extraordinary ordinary

I’m honored to have Heather King of The Extraordinary Ordinary kicking off the second week of the Ready for Air blog book tour. I met Heather at the inaugural MN Blogger Conference in 2010. I was leading a writing workshop, and Heather was sitting on a table to my right, her legs dangling over the…

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these little waves

You know when you meet someone and, even before you’ve even said ten words, you that you’ll be friends? That’s what happened with Galit Breen. We had been loosely connected in the cyberworld, but I hadn’t met her in person until the Listen To Your Mother auditions in March. (This is the second time in…

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writing wishing

I first met Alison Lee on Twitter. I know, it’s crazy to even type that. I have to admit that I never wanted to be on Twitter. I was shamed into a few years ago at a Minnesota Blogger Conference. (Me: What the heck’s a handle? What’s the @ on everyone’s name tag? Everyone else:…

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mama groove

Today the blog book tour stop is over at Megan Flatt’s wonderful blog. Megan is a kindred spirit, helping moms meet their goals, carve out time for themselves, and get back in touch with their passions. She teaches the six-week online course Find Your Mama Groove to help busy moms get back in (and stay…

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beth kephart: more love

Last week, I interviewed Beth Kephart and wrote about how much her writing has meant to me over the years. That’s one of the things I do here, of course–I write about and interview authors I admire. I describe how their work has affected me and changed the way I see and write the world.…

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friends and readers

Friday morning I was completely discombobulated. I had had four hours of sleep (my fault) and I needed to grocery shop, write a blog post, submit an essay, respond to to the internet love coming my way (for which I’m so grateful), and then pack because my high school friends and I were heading to…

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