Posts Tagged ‘ready for air’
hallie sawyer
Hallie Sawyer is another one of those amazing women I got to know through her blog. Hallie is a freelance writer working on her first novel (which I’m so excited to someday read). She’s also a mother to three adorable kiddos and she’s a fitness maven. (And though I haven’t taken her advise about interval…
Read Morejourneys of the zoo
One thing I hope Ready for Air will do is connect us to one another. I’ve said that before, but it bears repeating. I felt so alone and isolated after Stella’s birth, and I know other women felt and feel that same way. So I was so happy to read Sarah’s words over at Journeys…
Read Moreangie mizzell
The night before the launch of Ready for Air, I drove downtown Minneapolis and parked along 2nd Street. Then I texted Angie Mizzell saying, “I’m here!” A few minutes later she was in the lobby of her hotel and we were hugging. We had never met in person, yet she had flown across the country…
Read Morefour plus an angel
One of the things I thought a lot about as I was writing and rewriting Ready for Air was audience. My hope, of course, was that the book would speak to a large audience–one that reached beyond preemie parents, beyond any parent. But honestly it was the preemie parents I worried about as I was writing.…
Read Morea design so vast
I stumbled upon Lindsey Mead’s blog, A Design So Vast, a couple of years ago. I don’t remember how I ended up there, and I guess it doesn’t matter. (I love that about blogs–the way one fabulous blog leads to another and another.) I immediately found myself nodding my head at what I read on…
Read Moremama groove
Today the blog book tour stop is over at Megan Flatt’s wonderful blog. Megan is a kindred spirit, helping moms meet their goals, carve out time for themselves, and get back in touch with their passions. She teaches the six-week online course Find Your Mama Groove to help busy moms get back in (and stay…
Read Morebeth kephart: more love
Last week, I interviewed Beth Kephart and wrote about how much her writing has meant to me over the years. That’s one of the things I do here, of course–I write about and interview authors I admire. I describe how their work has affected me and changed the way I see and write the world.…
Read Morefriends and readers
Friday morning I was completely discombobulated. I had had four hours of sleep (my fault) and I needed to grocery shop, write a blog post, submit an essay, respond to to the internet love coming my way (for which I’m so grateful), and then pack because my high school friends and I were heading to…
Read Moretoday is the day
Well, it’s here, launch day. I have spent the morning curled in the blue chair in our living room, reading through the passages I’ve picked to read tonight the Loft. I laughed a little and cried a little. Hopefully I’ll hold it together tonight. We’ll see. Please come down and celebrate with me if you…
Read MoreNICU giveaway
My friend and former student, Emily Hedges, who is also the dynamo behind my blog book tour, said one of the most wonderful things about Ready for Air. She said, “Your book is a book that people want to share. When someone has a premature baby, you feel so helpless…like with my step-daughter. It made me feel so…
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