day 8: a mermaid and a mother

Please stop by Elizabeth Aquino’s wonderful blog A moon, worn as if it had been a shell today for day 8 of the Use Your Words virtual book tour. I have been reading Elizabeth’s blog for several years now, and whenever I stop by I’m nourished by her words, her courage, her spunk, and her lovely writing.…

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5 minutes for mom: don’t miss this

I am honored to have 5 Minutes for Mom be the Day 7 tour stop for Use Your Words, and I urge you to head over there and check out these amazing posts right now. And I say posts (plural) because there are three!! First a little about 5 Minutes for Mom: 5 Minutes for Mom…

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day 6: love and diapers

The Use Your Words blog book tour is stopping at Berit Thorkelson’s wonderful Love and Diapers blog today. I just met Berit a couple of weeks ago at an Another Mother Runner event in St. Paul, but I had heard wonderful things about her from two writer mama friends. And then I mentioned her name…

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the tour and disappearing posts

Okay, I’m just logging in after a very crazy day to discover that my post yesterday about the wonderful Ivy League Insecurities has gone missing. What’s up with that? Aidan hosted day four of the Use Your Words virtual book tour. Aidan, I’m sorry my post disappeared! I’ll rewrite it if it doesn’t reappear tomorrow.…

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day 4: ivy league insecurities

I’m thrilled that the lovely Aidan Donnelley Rowley agreed to be a part of the Use Your Words blog book tour. Today, the tour stops at her fabulous blog, Ivy League Insecurities. Aidan is brave and funny and smart. What more could you want? Oh right, she’s also a writer. Her novel, Life After Yes (which has been on my…

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blog book tour: literary mama

Today, the blog book tour stop for Use Your Words is the Literary Mama blog. A huge thank you to Karna Converse, a blog editor at Literary Mama for posting today! Sending you a huge virtual hug, Karna! Thank you to Literary Mama for helping so many mama writers find their writing voices and their…

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the extraordinary ordinary

The blog book tour stop today is at The Extraordinary Ordinary. I just read it through tears. Thank you, Heather. I am humbled by your words. I met Heather a couple of years ago at the inaugural MN Blogger Conference. I did a presentation on creative nonfiction and discussed how bloggers could utilize the elements of CNF to…

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