Motherhood & Words

write with me

Have you always wanted to write your motherhood stories? Do you need a gentle nudge to get you going and keep you accountable? Are you craving a community of women who write? I’m kicking off a 10-week online Motherhood & Words class on January 27th and there are still a couple of openings.

What recent students have said:

“It was the best writing class I’ve ever taken.”

“It was a great ‘kick in the pants’ to get writing and feel validated that writing about motherhood is indeed real writing.”

“You don’t have to be a serious or published writer to take the course, and who knows, you might just become one by the end!”

“Be ready to write! You will produce!”

For more information click here or email me at katehopper [at] msn [dot] com. Join me!

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I have been teaching creative writing for almost twenty years. Reading about other women’s lives and experiences has expanded my world. To be able to walk in someone else’s shoes, whether it’s for a moment or an hour or a few days, is an incredible gift, providing me with insight into the human experience. It takes courage to write your truths, especially if it doesn’t seem as though anyone cares, as though anyone is listening. Let me tell you: your stories matter, I’m listening, and I’m here to help you find the heart of those truths, to get them down on the page, to craft them, and to send them out into the world. Together, we will change the world, one story at a time.