Motherhood & Words
For me, 2017 was not a writing year. Certainly the state of our country was a huge distraction, and it took me too long to realize that I could not check my news feeds first thing in the morning. It was also a busy year work-wise, so my creative time was limited. And the creative time I did have I spent learning how to play the bass guitar. I’m still taking lessons and I still have lots to learn, but it no longer consumes as much headspace as it did while I was trying to master the basics. Which is all to say that I’m back to writing.
One of the things I realized, though, that in order to meet my 2018 writing goals (and I have a long list of them, including blogging again regularly), I need to work outside of my house more often. I love my tiny office, love working on the couch with sweet Aguita at my feet, but I need to be around other creative people (and away from small household tasks that “just take a minute”).
So last week I joined ModernWell, the new co-working space for women in Minneapolis. I was already scheduled to teach an 8-week women’s memoir class there beginning at the end of January—Join me! You can learn more about it here!—but when I visited the space, I fell in love with it. And after my first day working there, I couldn’t wait to go back. My goal is to be very deliberate about spending time on my own creative work while I’m there.
I will also be moderating a panel at ModernWell’s kick-off literary event, which is from 1 – 7 p.m on January 28th. And I have a pair of tickets to give away here!
If you’re interested in being entered in the drawing, leave a comment below. I’ll draw a winner on January 15th.
And tell me about your own writing! How are you feeling about your creative work? What are your goals for 2018?
Pick me!
Tracy, you will love the space!
One of my goals is to deepen my connections to a writing community because that connection keeps me inspired and working.
Also hope to get together for another happy hour with you sooner than later!
Vikki! Yes! I said I was going to email, so I’m on it! I would love to see you!
Ooh, enter me in the drawing! I so love the idea of a co-working space and have thought about either joining one or starting one in my own community.
I’m taking an online writing class at The Loft that’s all about writing goals and a sustainable writing practice. So I don’t have a specific goal for that yet but will soon. It’s also a goal to get an essay published. And I’m attending a writing retreat taught by you!
Myrna, you should! You can make it happen! And I know you can get an essay published this year! I look forward to spending some time with you in February!
Hi Kate! Thanks for offering two free tickets to the wonderful Modernwell event. I love your writing.
Collette Miller
Thank you, Collette! You just made my day!
Kate, I’m so happy to see you writing again here! ModernWell sounds like an amazing place–I’m envious! (I have a book recommendation for you. Have you heard of Deep Work by Cal Newport? It’s about making time for deep, focused work in your day, and it’s been incredibly helpful to me. You could combine it with your time at ModernWell and really make the most of it.)
I’m utterly thrilled about getting to see you in February.
Wishing you a very productive 2018!
P.S. Don’t enter me in the drawing, obviously, for geographic reasons.
And oops–my goal is to get the mentorship I need so my writing can really develop this year. Looks like you’re first up to help me with that! 🙂
And I can’t wait!
Patricia, thank you for the recommendation! I’ll check it out. It’s sounds like the perfect book for my time there! And I can’t wait to see you next month!
Hurray for writing in 2018! Please enter me in the drawing.
I will, Lucinda! It would be a great space for you–not too far from your house. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
I too have big writing goals this year (finishing an essay manuscript while working full time and mothering two little ones. Gulp.). I’d love to start 2018 off with an event like this! I’m heading over to their website now…
Emily, I love that goal! Your plate is full, but you can do it! And this would be a great event for you!
What a great start to the year! I finally wrote the first three chapters of a novel at the end of 2017- I will continue working on it in 2018. For me that means actually leaving my day job before dark, and getting up early to write and think.
Brava, Jennifer! I love that you’re working on a novel. Getting up early can be so hard, but it’s worth it! You go!
I love that you’re involved with this! So many strong and smart women there.
Like you, 2017 was, for me, almost barren as far as writing is concerned. I’m trying to get a book going but it feels like trying to complete a puzzle in the dark: I can feel all the pieces and kind of get them to fit but I cannot tell if it’s “right”.
I’d love a chance to visit Julie’s place. Money wise, it’s not in the cards for me so I’m throwing my hat into the ring for those tickets!
PS one of my biggest regrets of 2017 was missing out on your show! Please keep us updated with any more performances ❤️
Jenny! So great to connect with you! You’re in the running. You would love the space and people. And I hope 2018 brings more writing time and a chance for us to get together! xo
Very excited to see what you produce this year! I, too, have a goal of writing more in 2018. I *worked* a lot last year, but didn’t produce the number of articles or essays I would have liked. Dusting off the pitching skills and crossing my fingers I remember how to do all the things! Attending the ModernWell would be an excellent way to get a jump-start 🙂
Oh Ellen, you will love it! And here’s to a productive year!
I’d love to win tickets to the event! 2018 is a writing year for me, too. 🙂
Wonderful, Andrea! I have you down!
Stella picked the winning name from the jar last night and it is Myrna! I’ll send you an email, Myrna. I look forward to seeing you there!